Case Study: Transistor Uses Keyword Monitor to Track Share of Voice and Identify Opportunities

Transistor, an audio equipment company, was facing intense competition in the online market. With many similar products being sold online, Transistor was struggling to stand out and differentiate itself from its competitors.

To address this issue, Transistor decided to invest in a keyword monitoring tool called Keyword Monitor. With Keyword Monitor, Transistor was able to track relevant keywords and hashtags related to the audio equipment industry, as well as those related to its competitors.

Tracking Share of Voice and Identifying Opportunities

One of the key metrics that Transistor wanted to track was its share of voice (SOV) in the online communities. Share of voice is the proportion of total conversations about a particular product or brand compared to its competitors.

With Keyword Monitor, Transistor was able to track its SOV in real-time and compare it to its competitors. By monitoring the volume of mentions for its brand and its competitors, Transistor was able to see how it was performing in the online market and identify areas for improvement.

Not only did Keyword Monitor help Transistor track its SOV, it also helped the company identify new opportunities. According to the marketing manager of Transistor, "Keyword Monitor has been a game changer for us. It not only helps us track our share of voice, but it also helps us identify new opportunities in the market."

Improving Online Presence

One of the key insights that Transistor gained from Keyword Monitor was that its online presence was weak compared to its competitors. Transistor was not using the same keywords and hashtags as its competitors, which meant that it was not appearing in the same online conversations.

To address this issue, Transistor worked with its marketing team to develop a strategy to improve its online presence. This included using relevant keywords and hashtags in its marketing campaigns, engaging with its target audience on social media, and increasing its overall online presence.


The results were impressive. After just a few months of using Keyword Monitor, Transistor saw a significant increase in its SOV in the online communities. It was now appearing in the same online conversations as its competitors, and its brand was becoming more visible in the online market.

With Keyword Monitor, Transistor was able to track its SOV in real-time and make informed decisions to improve its online presence. By doing so, Transistor was able to differentiate itself from its competitors and establish itself as a leader in the audio equipment industry.


Keyword monitoring is a powerful tool that can help businesses understand their share of voice in the online communities, identify new opportunities, and improve their online presence. By using Keyword Monitor, Transistor was able to track its SOV, identify new opportunities, and make informed decisions to improve its online presence. This led to a significant increase in its SOV and helped Transistor establish itself as a leader in the audio equipment industry.

Start monitoring online communities like a pro

Keyword Monitor sends you a notification when someone mentions your company anywhere on the internet.